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Summary in English

The Swedes and the internet 2015 – Summary

5 min läsning

In the year 2015, 93 percent of the population has access to the internet and 91 percent use the internet.

In the ages of 8 – 55, there are over 95 percent who use the internet. The daily use of the internet is also increasing in all age groups.

92 percent have a computer. So more people have access to the internet than those that have a computer and this year is the first time this has happened. 90 percent have broadband at home, 59 percent have a tablet and 97 percent of the population has a mobile phone. On average, we use the internet a total of 21 hours per week, of which 8 hours are spent with the internet on the mobile phone.

Most families with children (87%) have several computers, smartphones and tablets. 67 percent of 2-year olds use the internet and 32 percent do it daily. Already at the age of 2, there are a third of those who use the internet to occasionally create their own content on the internet.

Not everyone who has access to the internet actually uses it. Around 200,000 people who have the internet at home do not use it. The biggest reason that they do not use the internet is that they are not interested.

The good news is that there are more people than ever who feel involved with the information society. Now a full 65 percent of the population feels involved. At the same time, 60 percent of internet users have occasionally felt that they have spent too much time on the internet. One can also see the difference between how much time is spent on the internet and the feeling of too much time spent on the internet.

The majority are smartphone users

77 percent of the population has a smartphone and 76 percent use the internet on their phone, 62 percent daily. More than half of Swedes up to 55 years old use the internet in their phone daily.

47 percent of the population use Mobile BankID, 57 percent navigate with help of a GPS in the phone and 29 percent share their location.


Fewer report shopping online

Fewer people report that they buy things or services over the internet in 2015 than in previous years. 79 percent of internet users have done it sometimes in 2015 compared to 85 percent in 2014. But looking at other activities related to trade over the internet, there has been an increase with a few percent between 2014 and 2015. According to the E-barometer, however, e-trade turnover is increasing, so this is something of a mystery.

When it comes to transferring money, Swish has had a major impact. 32 percent of the population now uses Swish and 44 percent of smartphone users swish.

Social media continues to grow

Visitors on social networks have increased from 53 percent of internet users in 2010 to 77 percent in 2015. 70 percent of internet users use Facebook and almost half do it daily. Instagram has grown in popularity and is used today by 40 percent of internet users, compared to 28 percent in 2014. 22 percent use Twitter and just as many use LinkedIn.

Something new in this year’s report is Snapchat, which is used by 21 percent of internet users. The most frequent users are 12 – 15 year old girls, and 62 percent of them use Snapchat daily. However, it is rare for those over 35 to use Snapchat.


Film viewing online has exploded

Last year, listening to music increased a lot, and this year, 2015, film watching has increased. There are now 70 percent of internet users who watch film and video online, 45 percent every week and 17 percent daily. In 2014, 52 percent watched films online. 40 percent of those who watch films online pay for it.

77 percent listen to music on the internet in 2015. 42 percent listen to a radio station on the internet, 30 percent listen to podcasts and over half (54%) of music listeners pay to listen via the internet.

File sharing continues to decrease. Now only 18 percent of internet users share files. The decrease is largest amount the young (12 – 25 years), but among middle-aged (36 – 55 years) the situation remains unchanged. Those who share files pay to a greater extent than other internet users to watch film (46% compared to 24%) and listening to music (58% compared to 39%).

Traditional media remains strong despite competition

Media time on the internet is increasing but it is still much lower than the time spent on traditional media. 76 percent read daily newspapers on the internet, but this number has remained this high for several years. 15 percent read e-books, which is a small increase, but we still do not see a breakthrough for e-books.

42 percent listen to the radio via the internet and 30 percent listen to podcasts. 67 percent watch TV play services, with the most viewers in the age group of 26 - 45, where over 70 percent watch sometimes or more often. 28 percent watch Netflix. This is most common among 26 – 35 year olds, with 47 percent of them watching Netflix.


Internet plays a role in politics

Before the 2014 election, television was the most important information source overall, but for the young (16 – 35) the internet was the most important. Of the listed sources of information, Twitter was the least important, even less important than text TV.

69 percent of the population used the internet for information before the 2014 election, where 18 percent did this daily. In the ages of 26 – 35, 29 percent did this daily. Half of those between 16 – 35 were politically active on Facebook around the 2014 election. Also, half of the population did some sort of election test online before the 2014 vote, and over 70 percent of those under 35 did it.

Tracking domains and broadband

65 percent of Swedes know what a domain name is and 14 percent of internet users have a domain for private use. At the end of October 2015, there were almost 1.4 million active .se domains. Of all the .se domains, 57 percent are owned by Swedish companies, 32 percent are owned by individuals and 11 percent have foreign owners. The majority (71%) of domain owners own just one domain.

93 percent of Sweden’s population has the internet at home. It is just as common to have ADSL as fiber (29%). 2 percent only have broadband via mobile phone and 9 percent of those who have the internet at home are not sure what type it is.

34 percent of internet users have at some time used the IIS service Bredbandskollen (Broadband Check), with over half of the men having done so. The average speed for broadband in Sweden (measured with Bredbandskollen’s web service) was 41 Mbit/s during 2014. That is twice as high than in 2012 when it was 20 Mbit/s. The average surfing speed for receiving data in a mobile phone (measured with Bredbandskollen’s mobile app) was 17 Mbit/s at the beginning of 2015. Three years earlier (2012) it was 4 Mbit/s.

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I vårt nyhetsbrev kan du läsa mer om Internetstiftelsens olika satsningar som exempelvis Internetkunskap, Internetmuseum och rapporten Svenskarna och internet.

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